Rectal Prolapse Surgery
Rectal prolapse is a protrusion of the bowel into the anal canal, or external.
There are many ways to treat this condition. Different techniques used depend on the extent of prolapse, the condition of the patient, and surgeon preference.
Procedures can be performed abdominally, where the approach is through the abdominal cavity, or perineal, that is through the rectum.
The aim of abdominal surgery is to pull the rectum back up into the abdomen and secure it inside. This can be done by an open technique, or laparoscopically. A suture or mesh is used to secure the rectum, and this is done on the front part of the rectal wall (an anterior or ventral rectopexy) or back part of the rectal wall (posterior rectopexy).
When done perineally, the rectum is either tightened, or the excess tissue excised.
The abdominal approach to prolpase has a lower prolapse recurrence rate.
The use of laparoscopic surgery has helped decreased hospital stay and increased the speed of recovery.